
Monday, April 20, 2015

Possible Clubs

I've been thinking about what clubs I want to join next year, just so I can get all my ducks in a row. I've been doing a lot of thinking about this, and so far there aren't any I have my heart set on, but some I'm considering.

I was going to try out for the dance team, but I have NO prior dance experience: the closest thing I do have is tumbling (which is basically gymnastics for those who don't know) classes, about two years ago. They have a session to learn the dances to try out with, but I don't think it would be a good idea for me to do it. It's a shame though, because I love watching their performances, and I think I would've had a lot of fun.

I'm not going to do any sports except maybe softball, but I'm hesitant because it's fast pitch. I've played slow pitch at this other park for, oh I don't know, maybe 4 years now, and adjusting to fast pitch would be hard. I've heard you can get a lot of scholarships for it though, so I'm still on the fence. I also don't like a lot of the girls I would be on the team with, and they've been playing together for a while, so I would be the loner with no friends.

Debate team, however, is one I'm seriously considering. If you haven't figured it out already, I'm more of an academic person. I don't think I'm that bad at sports, I just don't care that much about them. Anyways, debate. I went to a debate tournament at one of the other local high schools with all the other 8th grade ELP students, and it really made me think about joining. If I had had more time to work on the essays, I think I would've done a lot better, but I feel pretty proud of the work I did. I'll meddle around and see if I can figure out some way to upload them onto here, but it might not happen for a couple of days. I actually did have a lot of fun though, but I'll have to do some more thinking.

Student Senate is another one I've been thinking about joining, but that's iffy too. I think it'd be fun, but I saw a poll in the yearbook from West that said Student Senate didn't have as much influence as the students thought they should, and that's got me thinking. I don't know if I would want to partake in something I think will be as time consuming and have it be for next to nothing.

Spanish Club is another one that's been on my mind a lot. I'm taking Spanish One right now, so I can get the required credits by the time I graduate (I've got a pretty full schedule, with the advanced classes I'm planning to take.), and this would help me even more. It wouldn't be as much immersion as I could get, by say, moving to Spain, but what are the chances I'm going to move to Spain? Spanish Club, however, is a good way to get help with any of the classwork and to learn the language by listening to people I know speak it, not people who are fluent and can speak it without a second thought.

Marching Band. Oh, Marching Band. This is one "club" (would you even call it a club?) I absolutely have my heart set on joining. I've been playing flute for going on three years now, and I've been fascinated with anything band-related since my older sister was in high school. I'm so excited I don't even know how to put it into words. All I know is marching band is going to be the highlight of at least the semester, if not the whole year.

The last club I'm pretty sure about joining is the Gay-Straight Alliance. It kind of means a lot to me, because my older sister (not my twin), is a lesbian. So therefore, it's important to me, and I think this would be a good club for me to join. I'm pretty positive I'm joining this, but it depends on how much time band and advanced classes will take up. This is the next priority on my list, after band and advanced classes. I suppose I should add the fact that these are in no particular order, just in the order I thought of them in.

That's all I can think of right now, but if I think of anything else, I'll let you know. Do me two favors:
1) Comment and tell me what clubs you're thinking about joining, and
2) SPREAD THE WORD. I want this blog to be the go-to website for incoming high schoolers, and the only way that can happen is if they know about it. So if you're an eighth (or ninth grader, depending on how your school is set up), tell your friends to check this blog out, and then have them pass the message! Thank you so much, and I won't forget about those files!


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