
Friday, April 10, 2015

Well Hi There, Pal

Since you’re reading this, you've probably found my blog: Hacking High School. I’m starting high school soon myself, so I figured I would start this blog to help the future 8th graders (or 9th graders, depending on how your school is set up). I've already done some preparing, so I may as well just jump in.

I've planned out what classes I’m going to take next year; now I just need the order. It was so confusing, because we had to go through a really long process, and I had to make sure I was taking the classes I would need in order to graduate. (Yes, I’m already thinking about college. Don’t judge me.) I got through it though, so this fall, I shouldn't find too many surprises on my class list.

I’ve also started thinking about the curriculum. I’m going to take as many advanced classes as I can, because I find myself bored in class a lot. There’s this new curriculum they implemented in West, that I plan on partaking in. It’s a faster curriculum, and you sign up for it. This way, I won’t be in classes filled with people who just want to goof off: this program is intense. It’s great preparation for college though, but I would do it even if it wasn't. I’m in as many 9th grade classes as I can be in already, but even then, I still get bored. I need a curriculum that’s going to provide a challenge, and I need to be in classes with people that take school as seriously as I do. You all have that one person who is always distracting the teacher so you can’t move on to the next lesson or whatnot, and you’re sitting there, bored. And what if you’re one of the “smart kids” who finishes work before everyone else? You either help other students or sit around bored. Notice a pattern? If you aren't being intellectually stimulated at school, chances are, you’re BORED! That’s why I’m looking forward to this new curriculum so much.

Let’s see, what else have I done to prepare? Oh yes, I've begun thinking about what school supplies I’ll need. Usually I’ll make this huge list, or go by the list the school sends out, but it’s all a bunch of hooey. This year, I’ll think about what I used a lot, what I didn't use at all, what I should've had, and what I just needed to leave at home. I’ll write up the list some time, and put it on here.

Until then,

P.S. I won’t do posts regularly, I’ll only post when I actually have something to post. I’m not going to do a low-quality post just because it’s been a week since I last posted; if I’m writing a post, it’s going to be on my own terms, and it’s going to be legit. I know some bloggers make sure they do a post every Sunday or whatever, but that's not me. I’ll post studying tips I learned, school supplies you’ll need, general tips, and anything else. Comment and tell me any questions you have, but if they aren't about high school, I’ll ignore them.

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