
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

What I'm Scared Of

This is a post that I wanted to do for us to have something to identify with. As you can tell by the title, I'm going to tell you what's scaring me about high school. Then, in the comments, I want you to write what's scaring you. Maybe I'll give some advice, or maybe you guys can find people who are scared about the same things. Tell me what you want me to do, and I'll see if there's anything to be done.

Anyways, my fears. 
  • Getting lost. The building I'm going to be at next year is HUGE compared to my middle school. It's weird though, because I wasn't nervous at all about starting middle school, but now that I have to basically do the same thing, I'm freaked. 
  • The older kids. I don't know how much interaction I'll have with the sophomores and up, but they're going to be so much taller than I am- I'm one of the shorter kids in my grade. 
  • Not having classes with my friends. I only have two close friends, which I'm perfectly fine with, but I'm pretty nervous I won't have any classes with them, and I'll be all by myself. 
I'm not scared at all about the academic workload, because I know I'll be able to handle it. I've been in advanced classes, or at least doing advanced work, since kindergarten, and you can see my first post for my ranting about classes being too easy.

So that's what's freaking me out about high school, what about you?

P.S. This is going to look different than my first post because I copy and pasted that from a Google Doc, whereas this I typed in the Blogger interface. (I think that's the right word, but I'm not really sure.)

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